Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Google App Engine 0.0.16 gems released

We just released the 0.0.16 google-appengine gem. The big change for JRuby with this release was that app.yaml must now live in the WEB-INF dir. See 1.3.6 Release Post for more information.
  • App Engine Tools updated to version 0.0.16
  • App Engine SDK updated to version 1.3.6
  • App Engine APIs updated to version 0.0.19
The appengine-tools will automatically move app.yaml into WEB-INF, but if you have app.yaml files in both locations, the one outside WEB-INF will be ignored.

Rails DM Gem - I updated the rails_dm_datastore gem to enforce a singular kind name in datastore. This will allow developers to create hybrid apps that share models between Mirah/Dubious and Ruby/Rails. The rails-depot source shows the storage_names override.

Rails 2.3.8 - I updated the Rails 2.3.8 setup script. It now uses the most current gems for JRuby, JRuby-Rack and JRuby-OpenSSL. The setup script for Rails 2.3.5 has been removed.

RubyKaigi 2010 - Everyone had a blast at RubyKaigi. During JRubyKaigi, Takeru (@urekat) gave a fantastic presentation Rubyist, it's time to develop your Rails app on Google App Engine, and I gave a lightning talk on Extreme performance with Mirah and Dubious (slides). Takeru and I wanted to reach a broader audience, so we gave a quick talk at RejectKaigi called Mirah and Dubious (slides)

App Engine JA Night - On Aug 30th, Charles and I went to Google's Tokyo office for App Engine JA Night to give a presentation on Mirah and Dubious. Special thanks to Kazunori Sato and the DevRel team in Tokyo for setting this up.

1 comment:

  1. very informative article.And very well explained about different protocols.keep posting like good content posts.
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